Delivers Mangoes in Lamborghini

Delivers Mangoes in Lamborghini,Lamborghini

Delivers Mangoes in Lamborghini

Mohammad Jahanzaib claims Pakistan Supermarket, a shop in Dubai that sells fundamental food things, including mangoes that are imported from Pakistan. 

During the coronavirus pandemic, he began conveying mangoes in his Lamborghini. "We simply needed to lift the spirits of individuals during the pandemic,"

Jahanzaib doesn't charge his clients extra and the individuals who request mangoes can likewise get a complimentary lift in the vehicle. "Pakistani mangoes are exceptionally well known in Dubai. Indeed, even westerners are enamored with chaunsa," he said. 

At first, he used to convey mangoes in a Lamborghini once every month, except now he does it four days per week after the updates on his peculiar conveyance vehicle spread. 

Jahanzaib's clients regularly get energized in the wake of requesting mangoes as they can hardly wait for the supercar to appear at their home. "Now and then, individuals advise us to caution them 10 minutes before appearance so they prepare their cameras," he said. 

His clients in Dubai are individuals having a place with 80 unique nations including Indians, Russians, Spaniards, and Italians.

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